the judgement day


Written on 7:28 AM by Adrian

Hi all,

Failed... the result was inconsistent. Why? I really don't... lack of pro-activeness? The whole session they only mention lack of pro-activeness and need consistent monitoring...

Come on.. they never even talk to me the whole year yet I required consistent monitoring??? Well I thought I was the most independent worker around...

I suffered a lot after this incident.. I doubted my ability, "Why am I not able to perform? when I can do well in work place", this line kept appearing my heart.. my mind...

I think God heard my cry... He send down a lady (Sophre), someone I know from church a long time ago... but suddenly just came back to my life unknowingly..... She asked me a question! Which till today I think was God that came to ask me... "Do you know your job scope well?" then followed by "Do you know your company well?". It just open up my mind... I had to humble my ear and hear what is truth... I'm not dependent, nor am i lack of pro-activeness... but to be true, I'm really lack of experience in work place which I made mistake saying the wrong words and reacting the wrong things a lot of time and I did not make enough effort to understand the business as a whole.

Well... It do takes a while for me to learn all this... Yet I think I have a lot more to learn, humbleness is something that should not leave me in my life...

God, I pray that no matter what will be like my future.. I wish you can always walk with me, put meekness and humbleness with me... "Don't throw the stone yet!" God, thank you for all these, you deserve all the praise.

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