Step into the unknown.


Written on 12:56 AM by Adrian

Somedays ago.....

I was struggling with some personal issue.. Stress out completely.
I felt like I was in a place of darkness not able to see what was infront and what are the steps. But I know I must keep walking.

As I walk, insecurity came into me...
"Are you walking the right path?"
"Are you sure you can do it?"
"Is it from God? then why are you so confuse?"
And more unbelief came in.....
"I think I'm stupid"
"I can't make it"
"I feel like dying..."

But some how in my heart, I know I must walk finish this path...
So I kept walking... and when I starting to see some light.. I came to a realization.

Seriously in life, there is alot of things you are unknown to and these unknown areas normally are your area of discomfort zone. and stepping into them require alot of faith.

This incident was in the will of God, and he want me to put my trust in Him.
Life was made up of things that was unknown, and alot of time, I failed to wait, failed to make steps, failed to trust him. and it is when you trusted Him things start to happen. I start to see direction, and light. Eventhough the path still seem so long and impossible to finish, but I know I'm no longer alone! For He is with me, nothing can be against me.

Plan the path, Step in by Faith, Look into the problem, Eye focus on the God.

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