Writing a Testimony of me.


Written on 9:17 PM by Adrian

hi all,

Well.. this 2 weeks had been extraordinary for me... God keep coming to me knocking at my heart, keep telling me things through people around me, wanting me to wake up!!!!!! stupid and stubborn Adrian, just too blind and harden to listen...

1st stop! Jasmine Lee ( the least impressive girl I know in my CG...) Jasmine! You are simply the most amazing girl in CG which I was so late to realize... Your testimony was the 1st stop that God had to work on me... How you turn your angry father, to become your friend and a loving father was amazing! how you did it? - I leave my fans to ask you themselves ba.. :)

After what you had shared with me, I realize all the while God who said that things that are better than Gold is Testimony, Law, and Wisdom. Number 1 wake up call for Adrian! and when I saw Jasmine telling her testimony, I felt so intimidated by her, asking myself what I can testify God and his changes in my life?

2nd stop, my girl friend - she fallen ill and then I had nothing to do at home, so I pick up a bible and start praying for her well... then God spoke to me... why you are angry? - I was like huh? i'm not now.. then I heard again why you are angry? then I was like, "ya... I really have no idea what to do with my job already.." then He spoke "did you not trust me".....

Next stop, Sophriane the lady I mention in my last posting... She asked me some question which also make me really go wash my brain and think.... what had I done wrong to fail? (well in anyway.. this lady had rise up faster than anyone... I always think God send her to tell me something wrong about my life) (I proclaim her as the burning bush that God had send to me)

4th stop, Cell Group - Alvin Koh, was amazing... spirit of conviction run wild... totally took over me, I was on all four 1st time for so long, can't really feel God present and the spirit of conviction... but that day all the dryness was all filled with the flowing water!

My CGL favorite line of the month, How much had you learn from all the sermon you had taken down note?

Being a christian for almost 3yrs.. how much have Adrian learn? I will say well, apart from being less violent, willing to take heart to things happened... I had not really step into the next stage of life.

Final stop, Pastor Kong Hee... His sermon on Crisis give me a final knock on the nail. I was totally awake!.. His line "what is dead by Christ, will see resurrection in 3rd day". tell me nothing is the end till you give up in believing.

this was what had gone into me for the past 2weeks... and God show me a dream... what make a good book? a book that was written by the best writer? the best story line?

In Christ, the best book is the book that is make of a very good material (your character, your mindset, your habit). this will then bring up the cost price of the good book (Cost price). Jesus Christ is the Author of our book... and he believe that he will end the story well... but he need us to have a book that is make up of good material so that he can write finish the story before it was torn and tear.

So what is he going to write...
Our testimony of Him.... this story is going to be never ending, Jesus will put down crisis in our life, hoping that we can grow stronger in Him. Each time he wrote, he set an opportunity of us to make the material of the book stronger. Well... if we failed, he will re-write another story for us to make it through...

So what going to be on my book?
After much trail and tribulation (Crisis), I realize that God know I had an issue with myself and these are the issue that had surface out.
1) I'm easily unhappy with myself, not able to commit myself to sacrifice.
2) I'm always very ego, not able to humble my heart to listen to others solution.
3) Big liar, scared to face the world with his real face, he lied his way to protect himself from being hurt, injuries, he is very fearful of Love, incapability, his ego being attacked. He really don't want to let people see his weakness.
4) Not tactful, eager to speak lack of wisdom.
5) Always hungry for affirmation, can't live without being accepted by others.
6) Failed to see adversary, making it an opportunity.
7) Scare to step into the space of unknown, so protect myself with alot of nonsense to avoid injury.
8) FAT, always love to eat a lot, but lazy to exercise, lack of initiative to do exercise.
9) Scold myself when I failed to perform to my own expectation.
10) More......

So much but I starting to realize, finally I had something to share the testimony to others.. I will need to over-come them... and this is going to be what Abraham will be like
1) Praising God for all adversary, learning to love himself, knowing how much he is worth in His eyes.
2) Speak of Truth, Light and Hope... for my mouth is no longer for myself, my mouth is for Christ to edify His greatest!
3) Eyes that see adversary as opportunity to grow, to testify God, to humble myself towards Him.
4) Always provide a ear to hear, to listen, to humbly accept all things all changes all issue of life. slow to anger, slow to speak, and quick to listen.
5) Walk in faith, believing in Him who had work wonder for me..
6) be more diligent to work hard in life, don't rest my hand till night fall....
7) A heart that is after God's own Heart... I want to learn to love others and love his people, just like my leader Alvin Koh and Jesus Christ

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