2011. A totally new year for Adrian Soon.
Written on 1:01 AM by Adrian
Hi all,
2011 - a year without Jesslyn Chua.
First time in almost 5years after my army days..... I'm living a life without Her (so called the woman of my life). we broke up on the 29Dec 2010... Why? I don't know why... (I do know!) just that is too hard to tell anyone...
How do I feel now? - Terrible? feel of guilt, sadness... and alot of missing... I don't know whether we still can be friend or not.. but I really wish Apr 2010, I ask her about marriage... else... (I also don't know).
This is going to be a super breath-taking year for me... and this is only Jan only. 11 more month to go.. and by Feb I will be jobless...
I really don't know what to do! - Seriously! I have no idea what is in front for me and with me? I only know God spoke to me... telling me to step out.. and believe in him. telling me that I'm yours sheild, your greatest reward. and everything that followed.
Seriously, life now seem super stress up! my brain seem super distracted 90% of my time..... "How am I going to do it" appear millions of time in my mind. "What are you doing now" appeared 27times a day....
God, is that how Abraham feel when you ask him to walk to Canaan? will I see my promise land?
I keep praying that the road that God had lead he will provide. :)